Resources for Parents

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String Explorer was written by three teachers with a combined total of over 75 years in the strings classroom. It combines the best of modern pedagogy with practical techniques aimed at success for your child! This website provides a downloadable program, the Interactive Explorer, which provides accompaniments students can play along with during practice. The tempo can be slowed down as necessary to accommodate the student’s capability, and then made faster as skills improve. Students can also record themselves playing along with the accompaniment. To download, click here. As an alternative to downloading, your child’s teacher can provide you with a free CD that contains this program as well as audio tracks for much of the String Explorer music.

For accompaniments performed by professionals on live instruments, the publisher provides a 2-CD set of Accompaniment Recordings. You may wish to purchase these CDs to provide a model for your child that provides the sounds of acoustic instruments rather than computer-generated sounds.

As a parent, you may have questions about string playing. We have some tips and ideas for you on this site, and will be adding more soon. You may also find helpful information in the FAQ section.